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Over 35 Years Industry Experience

30+ Aluminium System Databases Available

Market Leading Aluminium Software

Full control of your projects with LogiKal

Process your orders swiftly, efficiently and with ease.

  • LogiKal guides you and your team reliably through the entire process, ensuring everyone knows exactly what to do.
  • Get a clear and concise overview of planning, production and processing at any time.
  • Enable your employees to tackle complex projects and still sleep easy.

Make an Enquiry

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    Step 1

    System selection and construction

    Create all elements reliably and easily. LogiKal constantly checks whether everything fits together.

    • Ensure the right components are in the right place at the right time.
    • LogiKal performs step-by-step plausibility checks to confirm your construction is both accurate and functional.
    • Access a vast database of over 7 million items from more than 700 suppliers for profiles, fittings, glass, and more, with data continuously updated for accuracy.

    Planning is that easy and reliable – with LogiKal

    Click to Play

    Take advantage of our database with over 700 suppliers for profiles, fittings and fixtures.

    • Select the suppliers that you need for your work.
    • Choose from over 7 million items by more than 700 providers for profiles, fittings, glasses, complete components and fixtures.
    • Of course, our data developers make sure that the product data is up to date and of high quality at any time.

    That's how quickly your offer reaches your client – with LogiKal

    Click to Play

    Step 2

    Project Calculation

    Make faster, more flexible offers, helping you secure tenders.

    With a click of a button you can calculate an offer. After selecting suppliers and components LogiKal calculates labour and costs automatically.

    • With up-to-date data and supplier pricing, you can provide accurate estimates quickly.
    • Flexibility in supplier choice enhances your competitiveness and chances of winning bids.
    • Seamlessly integrate with ERP software to transfer project data via the LogiKal ERP interface.

    Step 3

    Order Processing & Production Planning

    Easily review and revise the order with your client to produce the perfect plan.

    Step 3 Tip

    Create construction and installation drawings quickly and easily.

    LogiKal CAD supports you in drawing foils, metal sheets, insulation and much more.

    • Utilise comprehensive drawing tools for foils, metal sheets, insulation, and more.
    • Any changes made in CAD are automatically updated in LogiKal.
    • Easily connect external CAD programs via LogiKal’s integrated interface.

    Step 4

    Ordering Parts

    Ordering parts is a breeze with LogiKal's streamlined process.

    You already defined all dimensions and quantities of your elements in the planning and construction process within LogiKal. Now all you have to do is order the parts from the suppliers of your choice. "How do I do that?" you ask, well, it's as simple as a click of a button!

    • Suppliers are sorted in order making it simple to find them and submit your order.
    • If you're old school you can still submit orders by print and fax or by sending a PDF via email.
    • Depending on the supplier you also have the option to conveniently place your order from within LogiKal using EOS (Electronic Order System).

    Step 5

    Preparing Production

    Prepare your production with a single click.

    Documents and design drawings from the elements you entered are automatically exported and all machine control data is provided.

    • This eliminates the need for manual data entry saving time and ensuring accuracy.
    • LogiKal offers all common machine file formats allowing you to control all types of machines with ease and efficiency.

    Efficient Production with LogiKal MES

    You have prepared all production assignments within LogiKal from the comfort of your office. LogiKal MES does the hard work and ensures that these show up at the right workstations at the right time.

    • Track processing status across the factory at all times.
    • Parts are assigned with unique barcodes for easy assembly.
    • Employees receive job-specific instructions directly on monitors, eliminating the need for printed work orders.
    • Factory production control is seamlessly integrated into the process, reducing workload while boosting productivity.

    Your Benefits: Reduced manual effort, increased productivity, and a more streamlined production process from start to finish.

    Interested in working with us?

    To discuss your requirements call our Support Line 01684 856920

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