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Over 35 Years Industry Experience

30+ Aluminium System Databases Available

Market Leading Aluminium Software

Machinings and Bar Drawings Module

Precision Drilling Every Time

Create bar drawings quickly and efficiently with this module. Drilling, notching, and milling are automatically assigned to each component.

  • Fast, reliable workflows in the workshop.
  • Stay flexible with hardware and accessories.
  • Suitable constructions of all complexity.

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    Faster and Safer Work – Evidently Better

    This module allows you to create machinings and bar drawings quickly and accurately, even for complex constructions. Automatically generate drilling, milling and notching on profiles based on information collected from the system providers’ machining guidelines, these are then collected and processed in LogiKal. Your own specifications are also shown and can be included in the drawings.

    Seamless Machine Integration
    When paired with the CNC/CNC with Cutting module, machinings can be automatically transferred to your machines.

    Always Clear

    Receive clear, detailed instructions for profile machinings in the workshop.

    Simple and Flexible

    Work with the latest data from a wide range of hardware and accessory manufacturers.

    Enhanced Safety

    Reliable collision detection (with the CNC module) checks both tools and machinings.

    Precision Drilling Every Time – with LogiKal

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    Clear Guidelines, Happy Workshop

    The “Machinings and Bar Drawings” module ensures clear communication with the workshop. They always receive clear instructions for profile machinings, nothing can be forgotten or missed and machinings are always executed correctly, completely, and consistently.

    Your own specifications are included, and custom machinings can be displayed in the drawings. Bar drawings can be viewed and printed in CAD, reducing errors and minimising the need for clarifications—resulting in smoother workflows and a satisfied workshop team.

    Stay Flexible Without Effort

    LogiKal’s large, constantly updated database serves as the backbone of the “Machinings and Bar Drawings” module. It includes manufacturers’ machining guidelines, allowing the system to automatically generate, merge, and assign drillings, milling, and notching from various data sources to components.

    • Flexibility with hardware and accessories.
    • All machinings are fully documented.
    • No need to search through manufacturer lists.
    • Fast, secure, and always up-to-date.

    To discuss your requirements call our Support Line 01684 856920

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