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Over 35 Years Industry Experience

30+ Aluminium System Databases Available

Market Leading Aluminium Software

BIM Module

Implement BIM projects with ease.

  • Import data from the Revit building model
  • Design the element in LogiKal
  • Create the digital twin at the push of a button
  • Transfer it back to the Revit building model as a 3D model with technical information.

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    How the BIM Module Benefits You

    Boost efficiency in the BIM process. The BIM module streamlines and simplifies workflows, allowing you to collaborate with planners and architects in the most efficient way, allowing you to meet BIM project requirements with minimal effort.

    Simple Data Exchange

    Data exchange at the touch of a button between your company and the planning office.

    No Double Entries

    A digital twin is created automatically saving time with pesky double entries.

    Efficient Workflows

    Implement BIM processes quickly, securely, and cost-effectively.

    Digital Twin at the Push of a Button

    Seamlessly integrate the BIM process into your established workflows. This module enables you to import opening dimensions and element quantities from the Revit model directly into LogiKal. You can calculate and design these elements as usual in LogiKal, then create digital twins with a single click. These 3D models, complete with technical details like colour, U-value, and precise sections, are then transferred back to the Revit model.

    • Continue working in your familiar LogiKal environment—no need for Revit.
    • Minimise errors and always work with accurate data.
    • Achieve greater planning security through automated processes.

    Seize Opportunities, Implement BIM Projects

    Embrace the future with BIM. The BIM module allows you to confidently meet the requirements of Building Information Modeling, regardless of your company’s size. This makes BIM processes accessible and appealing for all window, door, and curtain wall builders. Take advantage of these opportunities in a growing market and expand your business possibilities with the BIM module.

    Always Correct, Up-to-date Data

    Transmission errors can be costly, make these a thing of the past with the BIM module. Reliably exchange data between the Revit building model and your LogiKal with our cutting-edge BIM Module. This ensures you always work with correct, up-to-date data. Eliminating the need for error ridden double entries!

    Save Time and Costs

    Benefit from automated workflows in the BIM process and manage your projects more efficiently.
    Save time, reduce costs, and unburden employees.

    To discuss your requirements call our Support Line 01684 856920

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